Fabric Yo Yos

NorthernWarmThings,YoYo Maker

NorthernWarm YoYo Maker

In case you haven’t noticed, yo yo’s are experiencing a revival! 

There are new yo yo makertools out to make yo yos easier to make, and I’m seeing tutorials everywhere on the web showing you how to make them.  The best one that I’ve found is by Heather Bailey.

Yo yos were very popular in the 1930s and 40s when folks made quilts (more accurately coverlets) from them. The lovely scraps of 30s and 40s prints became colorful scrappy quilts. You find these quilts by themselves without backing and mounted onto a backing. Sometimes you’ll find them in a pillow.
Yo yos can be made from any kind of fabric that will lie flat when gathered. Used clothing in interesting prints, scraps from a clothing project or fabric squares bought for their colors are all used in making yo yos. Look for already made yo yos online on etsy and eBay.





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